Soledad-Mission Recreation District
Building community since 1962
570 Walker Dr. Soledad CA 93960 - 831.678.3745
Current Pool Schedule & Fees
Rec Swim Hour > Learn more
Lap Swim Hours > Learn more
​Adult Swim Hours > Learn more
Family Swim Hour > Learn more
Rec Swim
$5 per swimmer
Family Swim
$5 per swimmer
Lap Swim
$7 per swimmer
Adult Swim
$7 per swimmer

Current Schedule


Recreation Swim Rules
Recreation Swim is the time for everyone to come in and enjoy the water! Full pool use is available as well as both our low and high diving board! Throughout the year we offer in-water games, music, and prizes during our recreation swim times; see you there!
Swim suits only allowed in the pool. Clothes made for swimming.
Children under 48” must be always with an adult and will not be permitted in water without an adult.
Children 48” or taller are permitted to enter the water alone.
No Flotation Devices or toys allowed during Rec Swim at any time.
All children with a life vest or flotation devices must be always within the arm’s reach of their parents.
No jumping off the diving board with any flotation devices.
All children must pass the swim test to go over to the deep end or use a diving board.
Long hair must be up in a bun.
Family Swim Rules
Family Swim is an awesome time for families of all ages to splash around in a safe environment for everyone! Great for tiny tots, games of water volley ball, diving board contests, and a picnic lunch. Parents are allowed 2 children.
Parents or adult family members must be always in the water with children. Even if the child is over 48” tall.
One Adult per 2 toddlers (or younger) OR One adult per 3 children 48” or taller
No Floatation devices in the deep end
All children with a life vest or flotation devices must be always within arm’s reach of their parent
Toys may be allowed, up to the discretion of a lifeguard.
No jumping off the diving board with any flotation devices
All children must pass the swim test to go over to the deep end or use a diving board
Lap Swimming Rules
Lap Swim is the perfect opportunity to improve your personal fitness! Swimming is a lifetime sport that benefits the body and the whole person, swimming works practically all of the muscles in the body (if you do a variety of strokes). Increase your general strength, cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
Don’t know how to swim? Sign up for our adult lessons!
Lap swimmers must be 16 years or older to lap swim in a lane.
Lap swimmers must share the lane if required, up to 4 people permitted per lane.
Circle swimming, hugging the lane line when more than one swimmer in the lane.
No children are allowed in the lane lines unless 16 years or older and lap swimming.
Adult Swim Rules
Quiet environment. Spacious time for adults only. Normally used for water walking, lap swimming, self led water exercise. Check us out! Time to get back into the water
Toddler Swim Rules
Parent & tot swim is shared by the swimming lessons. Use of our wading pool is allowed. This is the perfect time to introduce to come with your young one and let them see if you what swim lessons look like. We at the rec believe that children learn from children, if your young one is scared of the pool bring them to this time.