Soledad-Mission Recreation District
Building community since 1962
570 Walker Dr. Soledad CA 93960 - 831.678.3745
Registration form
Summer Flyer
Toddler Swim Lessons
Toddler Swim Lessons introduce toddlers and parents to the water, to water safety techniques, holds in water environments. With a focus on water independence parents are encouraged to teach Independence and bravery to their child as they progress in their swim.
Swimming is a lifelong activity and we want to make your first experience both exciting and safe.
Ages 2yrs - 4yrs
$62 per session
$10 non - resident fee
$10 drop-in fee
Spring sessions
Additional Information
Soledad-Mission Recreation District Toddler Swim Lessons teach the fundamentals of water safety in around all environments to participants ages 2 - 4 years and parents/guardians. This class can be taught as a continuation to our infant swim lessons or as an introductory lesson to the water. Parents are strongly encouraged to be the brave swimmer here. Through the teaching of water holds and water safety skills parents are encouraged to practice these newly taught skills throughout their child’s toddler age anytime they are in water environments. A main goal of toddler swim lesson is to teach independence in the water. Through patience and the right teaching this class will teach your young one how to feel comfortable in the water and be ready to learn how to swim with the help of an experience swim instructor.
Take this class and learn the skills necessary to start your child's life to the water in the right way and use those skills at your own leisure. Visit our pool schedule web-page to determine when will be the best time for you and your little one to come and practice the skills learned.
Swimming is a great fitness tool. Learning to swim builds confidence. Group lessons can create and strengthen connections. Swimming can save your life.
The Soledad-Mission Recreation District is committed to growing their knowledge of infant & toddler swim lessons. One of our biggest ventures is funding and bringing the Infant Swim Resource program to the Monterey County area. If you wish to be a part of this venture please consider donating to the recreation district, visit our fundraising page to see how we spend our money.